Rotherham Pupils to Shine in Westminster, London
Rotherham Primary School pupils have been given a fantastic opportunity of showcasing their creative talents by entering an art competition where the winning creation will take pride of place in the Department for Education in Westminster, London.
Gallery Town, a cultural regeneration project responsible for installing public art around Rotherham Town Centre, have teamed up with the UK Commission for Employment and Skills and have asked primary school pupils to visualise how they see ‘The Future of Work’.
Rotherham finds itself the only borough in the UK to be invited to enter this unique competition and it comes as a result of the UK CES Headquarters outside of London being based in Manvers.
The competition is in line with the UK CES reports which investigate the types of jobs that may be needed in the future, in an ever-changing society where technology advances on a daily basis. Based on this, primary school pupils have been asked to create artwork looking at the types of jobs they might be doing in the year 2050.
They will think about what new or different jobs there are likely to be? What sort of tools, equipment or technology these jobs will require and will it look or feel different to do a traditional job, for example, will it look or feel different to be teacher or plumber?
This exciting project is being supported by local businesses with Phoenix Training Groups XTOL Development Services Ltd. and Ways2Work sponsoring 2nd Place with 3rd place still available for any local businesses to get involved with.
The deadline for submissions is the 5th June and the winners and runners up will be announced mid-June.
All entrants will receive a certificate of participation and will be shown as part of a curated ‘Future of Work’ Gallery in Rotherham Town Centre in September.
For more information on how your business can sponsor the competition or if you are a Primary School and would like to submit artwork please contact
Alex Curling, Assistant Director UK CES said:
“At UKCES we believe in inspiring young minds to look to the future, imagining what the world of work may look like in years to come. Our own research highlights a wealth of changes already beginning to take place, and we’re looking forward to seeing how today’s primary school children see tomorrow’s careers. Gallery Town has given us an excellent opportunity to do that in a very creative way.”
Peter Butters, Executive Director Phoenix Enterprises said:
“The Phoenix Enterprises Training Group, are very excited to be part of this creative and innovative initiative, and welcome the opportunity to make our young people and their parents aware of local innovative training solutions to meet their future needs”.