Scots Guard by Emma Haigh

Scots Guard by Emma Haigh

Scots Guard by Emma Haigh can be now found on the side of the Market Wall on Wharncliffe Street opposite the new Tesco's. This piece was the winning artwork in a competition to commemorate the visit of the Regimental Band of the Scots Guards to Rotherham. It features iconic images of marching soldiers using the distinctive colours of red, black and white from the full-dress uniform of the Scots Guards. It also incorporates verses from the Robert Burns ballad, The Soldiers Return. The words reflect a soldiers role in preparing for and entering a battle, but equally reflect the love for that same soldiers sweetheart and the hurt he feels in leaving her. A Rotherham-based graphic designer who runs E.M.S Graphics (151) LTD. Emma's artwork to commemorate the visit of the Regimental Band of the Scots Guards to Rotherham won the competition to have it entered into Gallery Town. She, said: "It was an honour that my work was chosen as the winning piece. Seeing it displayed in such a fashion is possibly the most exciting experience as an artist and producing it in aid of such a prestigious event for Rotherham makes it so special. The Scots Guards visit was an amazing event which I thoroughly enjoyed."

Jun, 02, 2015