Leaf Woman 1 by Sarah Parker

Leaf Woman 1 by Sarah Parker can be found in Rotherham Market. Sarah reengaged with her art practice 10 years ago during a period of ill health. This was an important part of her recovery and inspired her to retrain as an art therapist. Sarah currently works in schools for Rotherham and Barnsley Mind. The majority of her art practice is textiles based. Sarah's mum, Edith, made clothes for a living and taught her sewing and knitting skills throughout her life. When Edith died, Sarah inherited all her fabrics, sewing machines, and different materials, which she still uses today. Sarah's art is often still focused around her health and her relationship with her body. Leaf Woman was made in 2010 as a result of persistent back pain. The red colours were placed where the pain was felt at that time. Sarah said "sewing into fresh leaves like this felt eerily like sewing into flesh". The leaf she used for the body is most likely a dock leaf that she found growing at the sea edge, both of which are renowned for their healing properties. Interestingly, as the leaves dried they also buckled in the two places Sarah experienced most problems with her back. Sarah enjoys using natural materials in her textiles. She feels the ephemeral quality of this fits with the changing nature of our bodies, and enjoys watching this process, not always certain what will happen, and not always happy with the outcome. The delicate nature of natural products, especially once they dry, reminds Sarah of the fragility of the body.