Aspens Rannoch by Cath Dunn

Aspens Ranoch is a piece of artwork by Cath Dunn and can be found on Riverside Precinct. Based in Sheffield Cath exhibits regularly with Walkley Edge artists and at galleries in Yorkshire and Scotland. Originally trained as a biologist, she uses natural forms as the basis of semi-abstraction. In her paintings,she often returns to the patterns that occur on the high moors, clusters of rocks on the gritstone edges found around Sheffield or the outline of trees silhouetted against the sky. She uses fluid lines and blocks of colour to capture the spirit of natural forms rather than a photographic likeness. More recently she has started to explore printmaking techniques and the incorporation of different textures and materials into the work. Watercolour remains a primary medium though from time to time and often to gain a fresh perspective on a subject, she enjoys the freedom of oils. Artistic influences are many and varied but include 20/21st century landscape painters, painter friends from England and Scotland, African textile design and cotemporary stained glass.